As such, the apprentices of MOBA Mobile Automation AG contributed to the professional field of the electronics engineer and actively supported the well-visited soldering workshop. As in previous years, it was once again a pleasure for us to give young talents a small insight into the apprenticeship of an electronics engineers for devices and systems. With a total of about 3.000 students this year, twice as many young people visited the mini-traineeships as opposed to the previous year. The growing inflow shows the growing interest in an orientation aid for one's own career. Direct and on-the-spot first experiences with the professional field, shape a first impression and are gladly taken as a decision support.
We have set ourselves the task to promote young people in our industry and to arouse more than just their interest in electrical engineering. Naturally, we support DO IT!, thereby assisting young talents in finding the right decision for their own career path. With the support of the mini-traineeship "Electrical Engineering", we would like to give everyone the opportunity to practically discover the profession themselves. This is what we stand for: with our state-of-the-art training center and the individual support of our training manager, apprentices and their future-oriented education are our first priority.