Latest MOBA News

Innovative Big Sonic Ski mechanic operating in Korea

|   Road Construction

Koreas road maintenance is specifically challenged because of limited space on the road. In the…

Digital intelligence pavement, miracle of ingenuity,…

|   Road Construction

In order to improve the quality management level and physical quality of highway asphalt pavement…

MRW load cell back in factory

|   Crane-Lifters

And, what do I say - a MRW is built into this MEWP. AS MOBA employees it makes us happy and proud to…

Why small business Operators chose MOBA 3D XSite to…

|   Earthmoving

Nick and his wife operate their own family business with currently 6 Excavators and their Team of 6…

Case Study from the Project ABU HADRIYAH – SAUDI ARABIA

|   Road Construction

The Abu Hadriyah Road is an important highway in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province. Rashid Contracting…

Company JFCC works with the excavation control system…

|   Earthmoving

The Taiwanese company JFCC works on a project in the south of Taichung City to build a new water…

3D Xsite PRO system were installed on a Hyundai 520CC…

|   Earthmoving

In Jubail Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a 3D Xsite PRO system were installed on a Hyundai 520CC Long Boom…

MOBA Succces Story of Zeigner Bohrtechnik in Germany

|   Earthmoving

MOBA AG is proud to work closely with a drilling expert like Bastian Zeigner. MOBA is looking…

Release LANDNOVA X for Xsite PRO 3D

| MOBA Company

The new LANDNOVA X update combines modernized UI and superb usability.

MOBA AG receives German Brand Award 2021 twice, in the…

| MOBA Company

After MOBA AG already won the German Design Award for its outstanding brand management in 2019/20,…

Compaction system in the Test: MCA 500 vs. Conventional…

|   Earthmoving

In compaction, increasing the number of passes does not mean increasing the density. In fact, over…

The Future of Remote Support for construction sites

|   Story

The global Corona pandemic has catalyzed remote support solutions worldwide. MOBA wants to ensure…