Latest MOBA News
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Innovative Big Sonic Ski mechanic operating in Korea
Koreas road maintenance is specifically challenged because of limited space on the road. In the…
Digital intelligence pavement, miracle of ingenuity,…
In order to improve the quality management level and physical quality of highway asphalt pavement…
MRW load cell back in factory
And, what do I say - a MRW is built into this MEWP. AS MOBA employees it makes us happy and proud to…
Why small business Operators chose MOBA 3D XSite to…
Nick and his wife operate their own family business with currently 6 Excavators and their Team of 6…
Case Study from the Project ABU HADRIYAH – SAUDI ARABIA
The Abu Hadriyah Road is an important highway in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province. Rashid Contracting…
Company JFCC works with the excavation control system…
The Taiwanese company JFCC works on a project in the south of Taichung City to build a new water…
3D Xsite PRO system were installed on a Hyundai 520CC…
In Jubail Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a 3D Xsite PRO system were installed on a Hyundai 520CC Long Boom…
MOBA Succces Story of Zeigner Bohrtechnik in Germany
MOBA AG is proud to work closely with a drilling expert like Bastian Zeigner. MOBA is looking…
Release LANDNOVA X for Xsite PRO 3D
The new LANDNOVA X update combines modernized UI and superb usability.
MOBA AG receives German Brand Award 2021 twice, in the…
After MOBA AG already won the German Design Award for its outstanding brand management in 2019/20,…
Compaction system in the Test: MCA 500 vs. Conventional…
In compaction, increasing the number of passes does not mean increasing the density. In fact, over…
The Future of Remote Support for construction sites
The global Corona pandemic has catalyzed remote support solutions worldwide. MOBA wants to ensure…
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